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西诺德牙科设备(佛山)有限公司 [百度一下]
公司地址:广东省 广东省佛山市南海罗村联和释石工业区/Lian He Shishi Industry Zone, Luocun Town, Nanhai District, Foshan/广州芳村客运站(一号线坑口地铁站对面)乘搭驶往南海小塘或丹灶方向大巴,至佛山丹桂路嘉和新城下车
专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假员工旅游
SIRONA, a former dental division of SIEMENS Medical Engineering Group, is a global leading dental manufacturer dedicated to creating and producing the finest dental equipment worldwide. Its Headquarter locates Bensheim, Germany. SIRONA has 10 international locations combined with a highly skilled workforce to deliver and distribute products and services that give our customers the advantage and satisfaction for today and for tomorrow. SIRONA (Foshan) is China-based dental factory opened by this company which produces treatment center equipment.

With the value principles of achievement, growth, commitment and recognition, SIRONA regard talent as the priority fortune. Since 2004, the sales has been developing rapidly and the management policy, R&D system, customer focused system involved has also been established accordingly. We provide high quality product for our customer and their own clients through our continual effort and zero distance service which will lead to win-win situation for both sides; we commitment our employees with comfortable work environment,benefit system as well as enough training & development opportunities. Furthermore, we share our development result by creating more jobs and business projects for the people here.

Come on! Please join us. Maybe you are the very person we are waiting for!

德国西诺德-是世界上研制和生产优质口腔治疗设备的先进制造厂家, 原属德国西门子医疗工程部。总部设在德国本斯海姆,在全球有10 家分部,其技艺精良的员工队伍正在为全世界的客户提供性能卓越的设备及零距离的高品质服务。西诺德牙科设备(佛山)有限公司是集团公司在中国成立的个生产口腔综合治疗台的专业厂家。秉承成就、成长、信任、承诺、认同等基本价值观,西诺德公司始终视员工为企业重要的财富。自2004年以来,西诺德的销售业务一直保持着高速增长并逐步建立了与之相适应的销售管理机制、研发创新机制及精益求精的服务体系。我们的使命承诺是通过不断为包括中国在内的世界各国的牙科医师奉献时尚实用的精密牙科医疗设备和零距离服务来实现客户价值的增长,与西诺德品牌实现合作共赢。因此,西诺德公司承诺将为每一位员工提供安全舒适的工作环境、富有良好的培训发展空间;将不断创造新的商业机会和工作机会来分别回馈支持西诺德发展的所有客户及员工。




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