医药人才网,专业的医药求职招聘网站 招聘热线:0755-33525761

百诺科医药科技(北京)有限公司 [百度一下]
专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假员工旅游
RPS Inc., a global CRO headquartered in the US with the operations in 35 countries worldwide, provides comprehensive Phase 1-4 clinical development solutions to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device industries. By combining an experienced clinical research operations infrastructure with the industry’s largest resourcing engines, RPS is uniquely positioned to offer our Clients both integrated and full service global outsourcing solutions. These solutions are powered by highly experienced and seasoned study teams providing innovative, cost-effective and high quality services.

Our success is the result of our employees. We are able to attract the top professionals in the industry because of the unique benefits that we offer. Our specialized staff of clinical trial consultants is eager to discuss your career plans. RPS is sensitive to your daily responsibilities. Tell us EXACTLY how to contact you and we will. For your convenience, you can also submit your resume to hr@pmxintl.com.

We look forward to discussing the opportunities and benefits of employment with RPS (our corporate website: www.rpsweb.com)!


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