医药人才网,专业的医药求职招聘网站 招聘热线:0755-33525761


Clinical Monitoring Associate (CMA) I [ 投诉职位 ]






专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假员工旅游


  • 工作地点:上海市
  • 要求行业:生物工程、制药、环保
  • 年龄要求:18~60岁
  • 要求学历:本科
  • 招聘人数:不限
  • 工作经验:2年以上
  • 专业要求:不限


Key Accountabilities
•; Assume the ability to meet the requirements of a CMA I with a high degree of proficiency and autonomy
•; Take responsibility for specific tasks on projects, or acts as the main CMA contact on individual projects
•; Train team members on selected tasks
•; Collaborate with CRA on site issues/actions
•; Create and distribute study document (e.g. eSignature Agreement, etc.)
•; Initial and ongoing drug / supply management
•; Responsible for the completeness and quality of the in-house site specific files
•; Track system access of PAREXEL team members
•; Update all relevant tracking system on an ongoing basis
•; Maintain team list and sponsor / vendor details
•; Perform regular reviews of data according to data review/monitoring guidelines (EDMS, CTMS, CDMS/EDC, IVRS)
•; Conduct remote visits (prequalification, qualification, initiation, monitoring, termination)
•; Collect regulatory documents in collaboration with CRA and CTS as needed
•; Primary in-house site support
•; On a regular basis conduct outbound and receive inbound calls to:
; Review recruitment plan and enrollment updates
; address/resolve issues pending from the previous visit
; address protocol questions
; check on site staff assignment
; assess drug/study supply status
; request outstanding documents
; review site payment status
; follow-up on data entry, query status and SAEs
•; Follow-up on appropriate site related questions forwarded by helpdesk
•; Build relationships with investigators and site staff remotely
•; Keep manager informed about work progress and any issues to avoid surprises. Requires some interaction / supervision by Manager or assigned mentor.

•; Strong computer skills including but not limited to the knowledge of a Clinical Trial Management Systems, PMED, EDC, IWRS, MS-Office products such as Excel, Word.
•; Strong awareness of all relevant regulations, including GCP
•; Ability to successfully work in a (‘virtual’) team environment
•; Strong knowledge of clinical research process
•; Analytical skills
•; Sound interpersonal, oral and written communication skills
•; Sound problem solving skills
•; Strong customer focus, ability to interact professionally within a client organization
•; Ability to prioritize multiple tasks and achieve project timelines
•; Sense of urgency in completing assigned tasks
•; Attention to detail
•; Effective time management in order to meet daily metrics or team objectives
•; Shows commitment to and performs consistently high quality work.
•; Effectively applies knowledge to provide advice or solutions based on expertise
•; Offers support and constructive feedback to project team members
•; Seeks opportunities to develop experience and knowledge
•; Must be able to work independently but seek guidance when necessary, escalating issues as required
•; Willing and able to travel as required – local or international

•; Educated to degree level (biological science, pharmacy or other health-related discipline preferred), nursing or other relevant qualification/experience

Language Skills
•; Competent in written and oral English and relevant local languages

Minimum Work Experience
•; Previous CMA, clinical, data management and/ or research experience with solid understanding of clinical trials methodology and terminology



公司简介:精鼎医药(PAREXEL APEX International) 是一家致力于药物临床试验研究的CRO集团公司。PAREXEL为全球前三大CRO公司,总公司位于美国,分支机构遍布欧、美、亚三大洲,且于亚洲13个国家和地区设立了分支机构, 致力提供当地的Know-how并深耕于当地。服务内容包括:新药开发策略的拟定与计划、国际临床试验规划执行及整合、临床试验的监测、临床试验数据处理、临床研究统计分析、临床试验总结及统计报告、临床试验稽核服务、新药查验登记事务、国际临床试验相关法规咨询等。 精鼎医药(PAREXEL APEX International)由一群具有丰富跨国性临床试验研发经验及专业知识的精英所组成,服务团队集合各种不同专业领域的人才,包括:药理、毒理、分子生物、生物化学、生物统计、新药研发、临床医师、临床研究、药物法规、药物管理、项目管理及临床试验等等。 精鼎医药(PAREXEL APEX International)重视与客户的承诺,更重视人才的培育和养成,我们提供完整的教育训练、职涯规划、优于市场的薪资福利、良好工作环境,期许同仁与公司一同成长,迈向未来。 愿景(Vision): 创造一个在亚太地区具有国际竞争力的精良CRO团队。发展使命(Mission):1 争取国际大药厂委托,执行符合国际水准的跨国性临床试验。2 协助亚太生技及制药产业建立新药开发模式,以提升产品研发能力,幷促使产品国际化。3 以提升临床试验品质为宗旨,拓展全球市场为目标,整合计算机及通讯科技,在国际上提供客户兼具成本效益及效率的临床试验数据处理中心。4 建立一个以亚洲人种高发生率疾病的基因数据库,以提供国际性新药研发机构所须之基因信息,协助其缩短药物开发时程,幷提高研发成功率。福利制度:.薪资:  (含车补及饭补).保险类:  1. 社会保险(依照国家规定)及住房公积金  2. 团体保险(包括寿险、意外暨医疗保险).制度类: 1. 学习发展计划 (Learning & Development): 针对个别员工之专业及兴趣,设计符合其个人之生涯规划  2. 完整的教育训练:每年公司均针对所有员工,提供完整之教育训练  3. 顺畅的升迁管道及可转调其它部门;如有职缺,亦可申请调至海外各子公司.请 / 休假制度:  1. 服务年即享有9天特休, 后续年休假天数则依据服务年资及公司制度而定    2. 一年可享4天不扣薪病假 精鼎医药因公司业务之需求,开放以下职缺。精鼎医药将以培养国际性的人才为目标,欢迎具有国际观之人才加入。 应聘方法: 请备中英文简历及相关证明文件,发送电子邮件至相应邮箱并请勿以邮寄方式投递履历,谢谢!条件不合者请勿投递简历!谢绝来电来访!





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