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汇孚集团有限公司 [百度一下]
公司地址:浙江省 上班地址:浙江德清技术开发区临溪街858号
专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假员工旅游
汇孚集团有限公司(原:浙江省二轻企业集团进出口有限公司)是一家以外贸进出口为主业,实业投资、品牌经营为重点的综合性集团企业,具有雄厚的资金实力和良好的商业信誉。公司年进出口总额3亿多美元,其中出口2.2亿美元,年销售收入23亿元人民币。公司经营范围广,产品种类齐全,出口产品以服装、纺织品为主,同时出口箱包、五金工具、家具、建材、休闲用品、工艺礼品、玩具杂货、电子电器、机械设备等产品。目前已与世界70多个国家和地区建立了长期、稳定的业务关系。公司实业投资主要涉足房地产和金融业。目前已入股商业银行和风险创投公司,并独立开发了海南蔚蓝江南海景公寓,合作开发了杭州君悦丽景楼盘,已开发经营房地产近18万平方米。公司在德清拥有5万平方米的出口品牌工业园区,旗下的ASART(艾诗雅特)品牌获得中国著名商标称号,并先后被评为浙江产品、浙江省著名商标和浙江省出口。公司已通过ISO9001质量管理体系认证和ISO14000环境体系认证,并连年被评为中国服装行业百强企业、银行信用等级AAA企业和"守合同重信用"单位。公司将继续坚持“一体两翼”发展战略和“开拓、务实、团结、高效”的企业精神,全方位、多渠道地拓展发展空间,并朝着国际化、集团化、实业化不断向前迈进。WELFULL GROUP CO.,LTD.(ZJSL) is a comprehensive group company whose main business is foreign trade and key points are investment of industry and construction of brand, which has abundant capital and good business reputation.Our company annual turnover of foreign trade is more than 0.3billion US dollars among which export turnover is about 0.22 billion USD and sales revenue reaches RMB2.3 billion.. WELFULL GROUP has a wide business scope and complete series of products, above all the main export items are garments and textile, as well as bags, hardware, furniture, building materials, leisure goods, arts and crafts, toy and grocery, electron and electric apparatus and machinery equipment etc. We have established a long term and stable business relationship with more than 70 countries and regions etc.Our company has own export brand industrial yard which covers fifty thousand square meters in Deqing Economy Development Zone. Its ASART brand has already enjoyed “Chinese well known mark”, and was recognized as Zhejiang brand name products, Zhejiang famous brand and Zhejiang export brand name products etc.WELFULL GROUP has not only gained the certification of ISO9001: 2000 quality management system, ISO14001:2004 for Environment system, but also appraised many important rewards and medals granted by local government such as the top 100 enterprises of apparel industry in China, bank AAA rating and enterprises of abidance contract and attention to credit.WELFULL GROUP will continue to adhere to its fixed development strategy and company spirit of “United for Achievement Pioneer with Efficiency” to expand the export and import business in multiple ways. Now we are progressing by large jumps to internationalization, collectivization and industrialization.邮箱:hrxlp@welfull.com电话:0571-88380106


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